Learn how to make Traditional Vanilla Fudge. Vanilla fudge was always a real favourite of mine as a child and actually, who am I trying to kid? It still is! This recipe is so easy to make and with only five ingredients and the magic of cooking hopefully you too, can be taken back to your childhood just as I was.
475g Caster Sugar (or light brown)
300ml x Double Cream
170g x Golden Syrup
90g x Butter
1 teaspoon x Vanilla Extract (optional)
1. Line a 23cm square tin with baking parchment and set to one side.
2. Place all ingredients (except vanilla extract) into a heavy based saucepan and melt together over a low heat.
3. Once melted, bring mixture up to the boil and immediately turn down the heat to maintain a fast simmer. Stir the mixture every 30 seconds to prevent from burning on the bottom.
4. When the mixture reaches 115°c – 118°c take the saucepan off the heat and leave to cool for 5 minutes. If you don’t have a sugar thermometer, use the cold water test.
(Cold water test – Drop a small amount of the hot mixture into a glass of cold water. As it falls to the bottom, the syrup cools and you should be able to form a firm ball with your fingers.)
5. At this point add the vanilla extract if using. Using a wooden spoon, beat the mixture until it cools and thickens. This can take some time but you will see the mixture change in texture and go from a glossy shine to a matt finish.
6. Once the fudge becomes thick and difficult to beat with the wooden spoon, pour the mixture into the ready lined tin and leave to set
7. When set remove from the tin and cut into cubes.