If you are wanting to create a healthy meal that is packed full of flavour and extremely tasty, you can’t go too wrong with a stir-fry! They can be made super special with lots of unusual veggies, such as these Shiitake mushrooms or they can be equally fantastic when using up those random carrots and peppers hanging around in the bottom of the fridge. Whatever you decide to put in yours, I know it’s going to be delicious! Here is my Shiitake Mushroom and Pak Choi Stir-Fry – Easy Meal.
Check out the recipe video below!
Serves 2
2 x Small Onion (cut into large chunks)
2 x carrot (peeled and sliced lengthways)
2 tbsp x Sesame Oil
500g x Shiitake Mushrooms (cut into quarters)
100g x Runner Beans (sliced)
150g x Baby Corn (halved Lengthways)
3 leaves x Cavolo Nero (stalks removed and shredded)
2 x Pak Choi (halved)
100g x Dried Egg Noodles
Ingredients for the Sauce
1 x Birdseye Chilli (sliced)
2 x Cloves of garlic (finely chopped)
1 teaspoon x Ginger (fine grated)
1 tbsp x Dark Soy Sauce
1 tbsp Mirin
1 teaspoon x Fish Sauce (optional)
Ingredients To Garnish
20g x Sesame Seeds
2 x Spring Onions
1 x Birdseye Chilli
1. Begin by placing your pans on the hob over medium heat. Ideally, this will be one wok and one saucepan of salted boiling water. If you don’t have a wok use a large frying pan or sauté pan.
2. Next, add the sesame oil into the wok. Then the onions followed by the carrot. Cook for two minutes.
3. Add into the pan, quartered shiitake mushrooms followed by the runner beans and baby corn.
4. Now, it’s time to cook the noodles. Place the noodles into a pan of salted boiling water and cook for 5 minutes. Prepare the rest of the vegetables, the sauce and the garnish as the noodles cook.
5. Place a dry frying pan onto the hob over medium heat and toast the sesame seeds until golden brown. Take them off the heat and set to one side.
6. Add the shredded cavolo nero into the wok and start to make the sauce.
7. For the sauce, place the sliced chilli, chopped garlic and grated ginger into a bowl followed by soy sauce, mirin and fish sauce. Mix all of the ingredients together.
8. Slice up two spring onions and one more chilli for the garnish.
9. Take the noodles directly from the pan of salted water and place them into the wok with the vegetables. Cover with sauce and mix well.
10. Now it’s time to plate up. Pile your plate high with noodles and vegetables and give your stir-fry a sprinkle with the toasted sesame seeds, sliced chilli and spring onion.